
Virtual 1:1 Feeding support when you need it

About this

Easy and complete supports in feeding and caring for your newborn, infant, toddler and child.

Nothing about feeding is easy. We make is seems like it is one size fits all. If you struggle, you know, what I'm talking about.

Feeling unsure about the what, where, when, how much and which solutions is best. Have questions and wonder how other people are so easily doing it. Just not sure what to do? Looking for an expert to guide you through?

Get easy, practical and real solutions, customized for your and your family. It might be hard to believe that a 60 minute virtual visit can be helpful and productive. With a little planning and use of technology, we can work on ALL sorts of feeding issues from:




flange fit

bottle skills

starting solids

and more

Experience the Beneficial Effects of Breast Massage

Breast massage offers more than just relaxation—it can provide a range of positive impacts on your well-being. By experiencing the gentle and nurturing touch of breast massage, you can enjoy increased circulation, improved lymphatic flow, and enhanced breast health. It's a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with your body, promote self-care, and embrace the nurturing benefits of this practice.

Allow yourself to experience the soothing and beneficial effects of breast massage in a warm and welcoming environment. Discover the rejuvenating power it holds and take a moment to prioritize your self-care journey.

Unlock Your Potential, Elevate Your Spirit: Embrace the Power of Self-Care and Rise to New Heights!

Welcome to a world of endless possibilities and self-discovery! If you're ready to unlock your potential and elevate your spirit, we're here to guide you on your transformative journey. Embracing the power of self-care is the key to reaching new heights and unleashing the best version of yourself. With our friendly and approachable approach, we're dedicated to supporting you every step of the way. Together, let's embark on this empowering adventure of personal growth, where you'll find the strength, inspiration, and tools to soar towards your dreams. Embrace the power within, nurture your spirit, and witness the incredible transformation that awaits you. You're capable of achieving greatness, and we're here to cheer you on!

Boost Your Brainpower

Level up your brainpower with simple strategies!

Have a blast with puzzles and reading to boost memory, focus, and problem-solving. Fuel your brain with exercise, a balanced diet, and quality sleep for optimal function. Don't forget to unwind and take care of yourself too!

Unleash your brain's potential for sharper thinking and improved focus. Let's supercharge your brainpower together!

Unlock your Potential

Discover the untapped power within you and unlock your full potential! At our oasis of rejuvenation, we invite you to experience the transformative benefits of adult massage. Allow yourself to relax deeply, heal from within, and thrive in every aspect of your life. Our expert therapists are dedicated to providing a nurturing and empowering environment, where you can embrace self-care and explore the incredible potential of your mind and body. Through the art of adult massage, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery, revitalizing your well-being and discovering newfound energy. Step into a world of relaxation, healing, and growth, and let us accompany you on this incredible path towards unlocking your true potential. Your journey starts here!

Learn More

I can provide comprehensive and quality care to both babies and mamas. I am passionate in doing such things because helping and demounting everyone in complex feeding scenarios is my most loved segment.

I believed that all mamas and babies deserve a expert hands and extra special care.

I can be the best pair in your lactation and feeding journey.

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